
Some ad creatives are seen more often by humans than others. If you creatives are not seen, you will be unable to affect consumers and gain intrest.

Viomba Adtention enables you to measure the seenabilty of your display creatives. This helps you to cherry pick creatives which are seen more often.

How it works:

1) If you do not yet have an account, please, contact us to get yourself an account.

2) Upload to your account creative files or publisher tags from your ad server / demand-side platform. [a]

3) Connect your campaign data in the DSP / ad server to your AdTention measurement[b]. Once authorised, AdTention pulls data updates automatically from the DSP / ad server

AdTention enrichs your campaign data with the seenability results measured from your creatives [c]. Adjust your campaign spend torwards the creatives that are actually seen. Removing or reducing spend from low-seenability ads will boost your campaign result for no extra spend!

Login to your account

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[a] Supported ad file formats: still images and HTML5-zips, or publisher tags generated from adForm or Google Campaign Manager 360.

[b] Supported DSPs and ad servers: Google Campaign Manager, Xandr, AdForm, Sizmek AdSuite, MediaMath TerminalOne

[c] Seen % measurement is based on instant analysis on our proprietary AI algotrithm. Optionally, empirical testing with real human user group equipped with high-precision eye-tracking device.